Want to Add an Event?
Homepage Events
Events that appear on the university Homepage are managed by University Marketing and are curated from the University Events Calendar. University Marketing does not accept homepage event requests.
Texas State Main Events Calendar
If you want your event to appear on the main university calendar, please refer to our main events calendar guide.
Calendar Events
Events are added directly to a calendar by the department that manages them. Events that are submitted to calendars will appear in their submitted calendar, and will only appear on live calendars once calendar managers move them to their main calendar.
If you'd like to get a calendar, see the FAQ to verify that you're eligible, then use this form to request one.

Submitting an Event
If you are not an editor in the University Events Calendar and want to submit an event, please follow these directions on the calendar you wish to feature your event upon:
- Navigate to a calendar
- Click Submit Event
- Complete the form